Features with ⭐ require a subscription. Try them for free for 30 days here.
The software is subject to EULA. Features may have limitations.
- CodeLens Providers
- Reference counts for functions, method, interfaces, fields, and interface methods
- Implementers count for interfaces and interface methods
- Implemented interfaces for types and method
- ⭐ Reference counts for package imports
- ⭐ Reference counts for fields (turned off by default, use tooltitude.overlays.refs.fields)
- ⭐ Option to show reference counts in inlay hints (turned off by default, use tooltitude.inlay.refs)
- Method counts for non interface types
- Run or debug main packages
- Debug table driven tests
- Implement interface
- Move declaration (within the same package)
- ⭐ Move declaration (between packages)
- Change signature (for private functions, and non interface methods)
- ⭐ Change signature (for public functions, and non interface methods)
- Helpers
- ⭐Automatic update of imports on folder moves and renames
- ⭐Automatic update of references on file moves
- Debugging
- ⭐ Inline values in the debugger
- Inspections
- Unused assignments/initializations
- Unused symbols for files and paths
- ⭐ Unused symbols for the workspace
- Unreachable code
- Unhandled errors
- Variable shadows
- Deprecated symbols (only if vscode-go isn't installed)
- Postfix Completions
- Completion for builtin types to invoke standard functions involving these types. As an example, you could write "abc".ToLower and transform it to strings.ToLower("abc)
- .if for "if expr { }"; .ifn for "if !expr { }"
- .ifnil for "if expr == nil { }"; .ifnnil for "if expr != nil { }"
- .ifempty for "if len(expr) == 0 { }"; .ifnempty for "if len(expr) != 0 { }"
- .parens for "(expr)"
- .print, .println, .panic, .len, .cap, .close, .new, .delete, .append or .make to call the corresponding standard library functions
- .for, .switch, .return, and .defer to complete the corresponding statements
- .for_range for automatic creation of iteration variables based on expression type
- .&, .!, .*, .<- for &expr, !expr, *expr, <-expr
- .var and .const for "var/const id = expr"
- .=/:= for "id = expr" / "id := expr"
- Code Actions
- Handle error (with panic, return err, wrapped error)
- Show references
- ⭐ Show implementations/implementers for methods/interfaces
- ⭐ Show implemented interfaces/implementing types
- ⭐ Show type methods
- ⭐ Show package imports
- ⭐ Move declaration
- ⭐ Change signature (for functions and non interface methods)
- Rename
- Extract variable
- Inline variable
- ⭐ Extract embedded type
- ⭐ Extract embedded struct/interface
- ⭐ Synchronize receiver names
- ⭐ Run/debug a main method
- ⭐ Run/debug a test method
- Apply De Morgan Laws
- Merge string literals
- Flip comma
- Invert if conditions
- Convert else { if {to else if {
- Unwrap else code action (return in the if-true block)
- Iterate over collection
- Convert raw string <-> string literal
- Convert separated decimal integer literal <-> non separated integer decimal literal (i.e. 1000000 <-> 1_000_000)
- Add/remove octal prefix in octal literals (i.e. 0100 <-> 0o100)
- Convert defer to “multiline” defer (via closure)
- Add else to if
- Add channel receive result to assignment
- Remove redundant parenthesis
- Convert interface { } to any
- Convert assignment to unresovled variable to short var decl
- Flip binary operation, i.e. a + b -> b + a and a > b to b < a
- Convert x += a to x = x + a and back, as well as with other operations
- Anonymous func single line to/from multiline func
- Add var type
- Rune literal to/from string literal
- Var to/from short var declaration
- Split field
- Rewrite dot import
- Remove unused import
- Remove unused imports
- Sort imports
- Merge imports
- Generate getter/setter
- Generate stub interface for a type
- Move declaration up/down
- Remove all tags
- Add json tag